Load Balancing with Keepalived
Some basic notes/examples on configuring VRRP/keepalived to move shared (virtual) IP addresses between load balancers.
- Make sure your firewall rules aren't blocking
- Turn on IP forwarding (echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward)
- On the realservers, ensure you have a rule so that traffic for the VIP is accepted: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d <VIP> -j REDIRECT
global_defs { notification_email { infra-admins@example.com } notification_email_from infra-admins@example.com smtp_server mail.example.com smtp_connect_timeout 30 router_id LB1-OLCF #Name used in notification to idicate name of director } vrrp_instance FOO_LOAD_BALANCER { state BACKUP #The initial state prior to election interface bond1 lvs_sync_daemon_interface bond1 virtual_router_id 51 #must be the same on all directors for this vrrp instance, but unique among other vrrp instance on the same network priority 101 advert_int 1 #VRRP advertisement interval nopreempt #Don't prempt another master smtp_alert #This line enables SMTP alerts for this VRRP instance and associated virtual servers track_interface { #Monitor the state of these interfaces, and go into a FAULT state if they go down bond0.294 bond0.211 bond0.60 bond0.55 # bond0.205 # bond0.207 } authentication { #must be the same on all directors for this vrrp instance auth_type PASS auth_pass 1111 } virtual_ipaddress { #IPs to bring up/down when transistioning to/from MASTER state dev bond0.294 #Syslog VIP in Management VLAN dev bond0.211 # my.example.com website VIP in external-services(non-jumbo) VLAN dev bond0.60 #LDAP VIP in internal-services(non-jumbo) VLAN dev bond0.60 # bcfg.example.com VIP in internal-services(non-jumbo) VLAN # dev bond0.60 #DNS VIP in internal-services(non-jumbo) VLAN dev bond0.211 # smtp.example.com VIP in external-services(non-jumbo) VLAN dev bond0.211 # users.example.com VIP in external-services (non-jumbo) VLAN dev bond0.55 # radius.example.com VIP in internal-services VLAN dev bond0.55 # dns.example.com VIP in internal-services VLAN dev bond0.55 # wwwadm.example.com VIP in internal-services VLAN } } server <ip_address to be shared between LBs> 3306 { delay_loop 30 lb_algo wrr lb_kind DR persistence_timeout 50 protocol TCP real_server 3306 { # db6.example.com weight 1 TCP_CHECK { connect_port 3306 connect_timeout 15 } } real_server 3306 { # db5.example.com weight 1 TCP_CHECK { connect_port 3306 connect_timeout 15 } } real_server 3306 { # db7.example.com weight 1 TCP_CHECK { connect_port 3306 connect_timeout 15 } }