Starting with Git
There are many articles about git, but most of them are far too complex for my meager needs. There are too many different ways to do things, so much like some of my other articles, I'm collecting here what I have done so I'll be able to do the same thing again next time.
I like to have a central repository server, for various reasons:
- granting access to others is fairly straightforward, without having to use a hosted solution
- centralised backup, centralised hooks
- I don't have to worry about cloning/pushing/pulling from systems that might (sometimes) be behind NATs or otherwise inaccessible
Creating a new repository
This step is optional, you might be cloning from a different repo.
mkdir projectA cd projectA git init echo '## ProjectA ##' > README git add README git commit -m'README: Started a new project'
Enabling distribution
On the server
mkdir /gits/projectA && cd /gits/projectA git init --bare
On a client with an existing repo
cd gits/projectA git remote add origin ssh:// git push origin master
Append to .git/config
[branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
Sharing with other members of the same unix group
On the server
Set core.sharedrepository=group in projectA.
Make a unix group and add users to it.
Ensure that the root directory of the repo is accessible to the group:
chmod o+x /gits chgrp -R groupname /gits/projectA chmod g+s /gits/projectA
Create/use a new repository from an existing remote location
Initially, you need to fetch the repository from the central server:
git clone ssh://
Then your edit cycle looks like this:
git pull
Make edits and commit:
git commit
Push your commits to the central server:
git push
That's it! That's as simple a workflow as you can get. Another possibility is that you want:
git pull --rebase
This ensures a linear revision history which is rather easier to follow and possibly makes things simpler for team environments.
If you want to use branches, there's a little more
show branches:
git branch -a
checkout branches:
git checkout new_branch
create and push a new branch:
git checkout -b new_branch git push -u origin new_branch
checkout an existing branch:
git checkout -b a_branch origin/a_branch
merge a branch into your current branch:
git pull origin a_branch
Commit messages
Since commit messages are used to generate emails, they should follow a format of change summary,blank line, more detail:
<Short summary> <Detailed description>
Code Reading
If you're like me, you spend more time reading code than writing it. Similarly, you might well spend more time looking at the repository than actually changing it.
File changes
To see what changed since a particular commit:
git diff <commit_id>
To limit that to a particular file or directory:
git diff <commit_id> -- <path>
- The commit reference can be relative: -2
Repository History
I find this convenient as a default to view the repository history. I get compact output which tells me which files were added/modifed/deleted in each commit:
git log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --name-status
I define an alias for this in my .gitconfig:
[alias] l2 = log --pretty=format:'....
- Branch/merge history can be envisioned with --graph
Basic activity
Create an account on github, provide your ssh public key.
In their web interface, fork the repository you want to fix.
Clone your new fork of the repository to your local system:
git clone<username>/<repository>.git
Edit, commit, push.
In their web interface, go to your fork of the repository, click 'Pull Request' and make a useful comment describing what you fixed, to make it easy for the puller/gatekeeper to know what you did.
Add the original repository as a remote to your local repo, so that you can easily keep up to date with their development:
git remote add upstream<upstream_user>/<repository>.git git fetch upstream git merge upstream/master
Then, once you get comfortable the next habit to form to ease collaboration in public projects is to use topic branches.