Using topic branches in git to ease integration pain
If you want to participate in most public/FOSS projects using git, you'll want to get comfortable with using topic branches. This is a separate branch for a particular topic, even if you're making trivial changes such as spelling. There are various advantages such as:
- a separate branch is easily updated so you don't get behind what's public or have to fight hard to stay up to date
- being separated out makes it easier to modify/compress your commits to ease the burden on upstream
- separation allows you to have multiple topics under development without so much chance of confusion
In a typical scenario, I have forked a repository on github and cloned my fork locally, added the upstream repo:
git clone git remote add upstream<upstream_user>/<repository>.git git fetch upstream git merge upstream/master
Checkout a new branch, edit away, commit and push the new branch to the origin:
git checkout -b spelling_fixes git commit -m'spelling fixes' -a git push origin spelling_fixes
Then you can either have github create a pull request or git format-patch master.
If your branchwork takes a while and there are upstream commits, then you might want to consider rebasing to keep it to date.
git checkout master git pull git checkout spelling_fixes git rebase master
git rebase --interactive allows you to clean up your own branch to make it more presentable upstream by:
- removing superfluous commits (delete a line)
- amending commit messages (pick->edit)
- inserting commits
- squashing commits (pick->squash to squash it into the previous commit)
- reordering commits (reorder the lines)
Rebasing will stop to allow you to edit certain messages as you've requested; to continue:
git rebase --continue